Drawn to Dorset Book Launch

I was absolutely thrilled to have a very succesful evening  launching Drawn to Dorset. Around 50 people braved thunder and lightning and heavy rain to be part of the event.  The venue was the very beautiful Old Town Hall in Weymouth, itself an incredible historical building. http://weymoutholdtownhall.co.uk/history-of-the-old-town-hall/

Peter Lythgoe of http://www.youtube.com/zzippster : kindly filmed the event so that those who couldn’t come could hear the talk.  I shared what inspired me to create the book, Mark Vine explained the significance of The Old Town hall with regard to his story The Crabchurch Conspiracy and Josephine Sellers read an extract from her story Parallel Worlds, the audience hanging on every word!

Discovering Dorsets history and landscape is a wonderful topic of conversation over wine and nibbles, and it was lovely to hear much chatter and laughter and old friends meeting up whilst many books were signed!


Thank you to everyone who came along and as I say in the acknowledgements of the book Drawn to Dorset is born!



One thought on “Drawn to Dorset Book Launch”

  1. Thanks for inviting me, it was a lovely evening, looking forward to many more walks in our beloved Dorset! Rainbow x

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