Drawn to Dorset is a not for profit publication in aid of Dorset Charities in memory of my parents Henry and Norah Smith .
Details of the charities and the donations made will appear below:
Sept 25th 2021
Last evening saw the final walk of the summer season of my walk group – the donations raised from the walks plus one from me in memory of a friends Mum , Sylvia, made a total of £100. I was thrilled to hand this over to my dear friend Sam Cole in aid of the excellent charity Dorset Blind who do so much to help local people with sight problems.
13th July 2021
Here in Weymouth we are so fortunate , as, are our wildlife, to have such caring selfless people who, completely out of their own pocket and in their own time go above and beyond with rescuing animals and birds in distress . I was delighted to give Derek Davey a £50 donation today to help with bills incurred rescuing sea birds. He was just on his way to rescue one in Dorchester when I met with him to hand this over.
26th June 2021
Despite the restrictions of the past year because of the pandemic I am thrilled there have been online sales of the book and more recently several guided walks. This has meant I could present the wonderful charity Paula’s Wildlife Rescue with £100 donation. This small charity is an absolute godsend to our wildlife and with vets bills, medications, hedgehog milks and more they need every penny !
Drawn To Dorset Calendar 2020 – 27th January 2020
I am amazed and delighted the calendar raised a massive £450 for activities for children out in our natural world. The donation was made to Dorset Wildlife Trust who carry out these wonderful activities across Dorset .
11th January 2020
The Bus Shelter Weymouth do an amazing job with the homeless and I was pleased to hand over the next £100 donation to them.https://www.facebook.com/thebusshelterdorset/
18th December 2019
Today the next donation of £100 was handed over to local animal charity Weymouth and Portland Animal Welfare .https://www.facebook.com/WeymouthAndPortlandAnimalWelfareSociety
2nd December 2019
This evening it was lovely to talk to the C Siders cancer support group about Drawn to Dorset and hand over a £100 donation to them. http://csiders.org/
20th June 2019
This afternoon I had the pleasure of handing over the next £100 charity donation to a lovely lady , Carole, from the Somerset and Dorset Air Ambulance . This excellent charity was nominated by contributor Elise L James who wrote the chapter Journey to Dorset
16th May 2019
Mark Vine and i had the great pleasure of handing over the next £100 donation today from the profit from Drawn to Dorset – to Graham Knotts Deeper Dorset project . https://
25th February 2019
The Veterans Hub in Weymouth is a great place and myself and Rob Oliver went today to donate to them our third donation of £100 for their fantastic charity – https://www.facebook.com/vhcommunitycafe/
25th January 2019
It was my pleasure today to donate £100 to the Margaret Green Animal Rescue. https://www.margaretgreenanimalrescue.org.uk/.
Nominated by Josephine Sellers, it is also a local charity close to my heart as I adopted my late spaniel Tessa from them. They were delighted with the donation and the photo shows their new charity shop in Weymouth. If you have any clothes or bric a brac you no longer require pop along to their shop as they will be grateful for all donations.
EXCITING NEWS!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you, to everyone who has purchased Drawn to Dorset so far, we have now made our first charity donation of £100 to The Lantern Trust in Weymouth for their work with the homeless. So poignant at this time of year I feel .https://www.lanterntrust.org.uk/
Henry and Norah Smith
My interest in history and culture began as a child, my late father had a huge book collection and I loved to read about Tutankhamen, The Romans, Bruegel, Bosch to name but a few. I would spend hours looking through his vast coin collection from his travels in the Royal Navy. We would walk on Poundbury Hillfort and Bockhampton path with our dogs. Visit ancient sites like Avebury and historic houses such as Wilton House as a family in school holidays. (Although back then I was only interested in where people slept and where they went to the loo in these vast grand homes) I have my father to thank for giving me the love of the land that’s for sure and perhaps looking at the world a little differently. Thank you also to my mother who taught me to help others and to have empathy as she loved her charity work with the elderly.